Why Artificial Grass Is a Good Option For Landscaping

By | May 29, 2023

Artificial grass is an ideal solution whether you’re searching for a brand-new lawn or looking to revitalize an old one – without water requirements and potential cost savings, artificial turf lawn can save time, effort and money when considering what lawn design option would work best.

Reduce harmful gas emissions with ease – no lawnmower needed! Furthermore, this surface is easy to maintain and always looks fantastic!

Saves Money

Homeowners who switch to https://www.justquality.com.au/ artificial grass Adelaide landscaping can save money in various ways. One such savings opportunity comes from not needing fertilizer for their synthetic lawn; as a result, no more spending money on chemical products that harm both children and pets’ health.

Pesticide-free alternatives also make sense; unlike traditional lawns that attract pests such as insects that may damage or transmit diseases, fake turf doesn’t attract bugs that might otherwise damage or spread disease into your yard – an especially significant benefit if young children or pets frequent your yard regularly.

Artificial turf landscaping saves homeowners money in another way: watering costs. According to a 2006 study, up to 40% of residential irrigation water is lost through evaporation, system leakage or overwatering; installing artificial grass lawns could cut this wasteful expense by 30-35%!

Synthetic grass not only saves on watering costs, but its maintenance requirements are significantly less than natural sod lawns – meaning homeowners can save on expenses related to mowing and other landscaping services.

Homeowners looking for ways to go green can benefit from installing artificial grass as it helps eliminate the need for gas-powered lawn equipment and thus reducing greenhouse emissions produced during lawn mowing. This reduces overall carbon emissions as mowing creates unnecessary carbon emissions that pollute our atmosphere.

Easy to Maintain

Artificial turf lawns don’t require as much upkeep or mowing than natural lawns do, saving both time and money while providing your garden with an impressive look all year long.

Maintaining synthetic grass from https://www.justquality.com.au/ artificial grass Adelaide will be easy with just a few tools. A leaf blower is great for quickly clearing away leaves or debris from your lawn; or you can use a garden hose with an attached nozzle attachment to wash away dirt or debris that accumulates on it – perfect for areas where pets have relieved themselves! Additionally, push brooms or rakes are useful tools for grooming the grass back into its upright state if it becomes matted down.

Symptoms of staining and burns on synthetic lawns may often be eliminated with household cleaners. Battery acid, grease, lubricants and motor oil spills should be avoided where possible to protect the turf’s appearance and avoid discoloration of its color scheme. It is wiser to arrange smoking, grilling, fireworks and firepit use in distant areas away from synthetic lawns.

If weeds appear, use a weed killer to keep them at bay. With pets around, be sure to collect their waste immediately as this will reduce odours as well as wear-and-tear caused by urine on your turf surface.

Environmentally Friendly

Synthetic grass lawns reduce the resources that are consumed to maintain them, saving on fuel, electricity and water consumption – not to mention eliminating air pollution due to powered garden tools used for maintenance. Many who opt for artificial lawns find they rarely need their power mower, leaf blower or edger again!

Your efforts will also eliminate the need to use toxic chemical fertilizers, pesticides and weed killers around your property. Such substances are harmful to both the environment and to human health – emitting dangerous fumes that pose health threats to family members. Furthermore, such pollutants pollute local waters while creating health issues in animals and insects – possibly leading to their decline globally.

Many of the https://www.justquality.com.au/ artificial grass Adelaide products we sell are created using recycled materials and sustainable production processes, with long life expectancies to reduce landfill waste and decrease landfill site usage. They also feature antimicrobial components to combat pet urine or sweat odour build-up while helping protect against germ build-up; our SYNLawn brand synthetic turf features Milliken Sanitized antimicrobial solution which kills 99 percent of bacteria and fungi within 24 hours!

Looks Great

Artificial grass comes in an array of colors and textures that replicate its realistic look, as well as various heights for specific uses. Taller grasses may be ideal for landscaping while shorter options make great home putting greens for practicing golf putting skills without venturing out into the real world. Artificial grass is the ideal option for golfers wanting to hone their putting skills without risking injury in real-life putting situations.

People often opt to install blue artificial lawns around swimming pools as the hue perfectly replicates that of water. Artificial lawns also make great playground equipment because it makes delineating specific sections of yard easier for children. Installing such an installation will spark their imaginations while encouraging play outdoors and promote an active lifestyle for them!

UV stabilizing your artificial grass is of utmost importance as the sun’s harsh rays can quickly fade it and make it look worn-down over time. When installing it outside, direct sunlight is present – thus adding extra durability and making it more resistant to damage than unprotected products. Look out for products with urethane coating on their backside as this will extend its longevity while making them less vulnerable to wear-and-tear. Choosing one with these characteristics will ensure that it lasts a long time while looking beautiful over time!