Safety for Employees Whose Job Includes Driving

When employees operate motor vehicles as part of their work, road safety has to be a collaboration between the employer and the employee.


An employer can develop any number of sound policies and procedures, but none of them will work until the employees apply them.


Some employers struggle to implement road safety measures. When employees drive, they are not usually limited to a specific site. It may, therefore, be difficult for a supervisor to observe or direct this work. The driving environment is dynamic: road conditions, weather conditions and traffic change frequently. It is difficult to write a strategy or procedure to deal with all the possible events that a driver may face.


If you drive for a company, you must take responsibility. Learn, understand and respect legal requirements. Know and apply the procedures of your employer. If in doubt, ask a safety officer. If you are not sure if you can complete a driving assignment, ask for training. If your route is more tiring, tell your supervisor. And if you feel that the conditions are not safe, you have the right to refuse dangerous work. Talk to your boss to determine the best way to do your job. Accept shared responsibility for your safety.


Here are some essential things every driver should consider as written in an article by TGB Lawyers Motor Vehicle Accident Perth.


Before You Drive

  • Manage your travel – Ask yourself if you need to make this trip? Can you do your job without driving? Would a phone call or an online meeting be just as effective? If you need to drive get ready for the trip, even if it’s short.
  • Be prepared- Are you well-rested, alert, ready and confident to do the job?
  • Prepare a trip plan: Check the route you want to travel and an alternate route. Check the condition of the traffic and the road. Communicate your plan to a colleague or supervisor
  • Prepare your vehicle – Adjust the seat, mirrors and headrest. Inspect before departure to make sure everything is working correctly. Is maintenance up to date? If you think the vehicle is not ready, talk to your supervisor.


While driving

  • If you own a license to operate a vehicle, you know the rules – it is best to follow.
  • Put on your belt.
  • Take a driving break at least once every two hours. Stretch your legs.
  • Pay attention and avoid distractions. Do not use a mobile phone or set up the GPS while driving. When you’re driving, your only job is to drive.
  • Be observant as you drive observing speed limits as they are set for optimal driving conditions. Adjust your speed to be right for you and your vehicle in these conditions.


After driving

  • Have you noticed any damages to the vehicle for repairs? If so, inform a supervisor so repairs can be completed before the next trip.
  • Report any unusual situations you may have encountered en route.

Should you have met an unfortunate accident while driving a company-owned vehicle, be sure to consult with TGB Lawyers Motor Vehicle Accident Perth for a referral to one of their experts in the field.