Emergency Dentist Adelaide: How to Deal With Dental Emergencies

By | October 23, 2023

Adelaide Emergency Dental is here to help with all types of dental emergencies. It can include severe tooth pain, knocked-out teeth, bleeding from the mouth or facial swelling.

Emergency Dentist Adelaide: How to Deal With Dental EmergenciesDental pain should never be ignored and is a clear sign that you require emergency treatment. This article will discuss common causes of tooth pain and how to best deal with them. For professional emergency dentist Adelaide services, check this out.

Trauma to the Mouth

If you have severe pain or unstoppable bleeding in the mouth, a knocked-out tooth or any other dental trauma, it is a medical emergency and requires immediate treatment. The most common dental emergencies include:

Trauma to the mouth can occur from playing sports, being involved in a car accident or due to physical abuse. The most common causes of dental trauma are blunt force injuries to the lips, mouth or jaw. Major blunt injuries often cause significant damage to adjacent structures and can lead to complications such as swelling or airway obstruction.

The Women’s and Children’s Hospital offers a dental emergency service during and after hours in partnership with the Paediatric Emergency Department. It includes managing traumatic injuries to primary and permanent teeth, including lateral luxations. The 2020 IADT guidelines recommend ordering all dental trauma in a hospital setting. People in rural locations can access emergency dental care through the Country Patients’ Dental Subsidy Scheme at private clinics.


Tooth pain can be a sign of a severe dental problem that requires emergency treatment. Whether the pain is caused by a mouth injury, tooth decay, or an infection, it is always important to visit your dentist as soon as possible. For professional emergency dentist Adelaide services, check this out.

Tooth sensitivity, cavities and gum disease are common causes of toothache. However, a severe toothache may indicate a serious issue like an abscess or bone fracture. If left untreated, these issues could lead to other health problems, more visits to the dentist and much more expensive treatment.

Regularly visiting your dentist is the best way to prevent emergency dental issues. Your dentist can spot any problems early and treat them before they worsen. They can also help you learn how to avoid dental emergencies in the future by providing proper care for your teeth and mouth. It includes brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash.

Broken or Chipped Teeth

Sometimes, a tooth can break or chip while eating or playing sports. When this happens, seeing an emergency dentist in Adelaide as soon as possible is essential to reduce the risk of further damage and infection.

Most of the time, teeth can be repaired relatively quickly after a chip has occurred. It may involve a root canal if the break exposes the inner pulp and network of nerves, or it may just mean a dental filling and crown.


Knocked-Out Teeth

A knocked-out tooth is undeniably a dental emergency that requires immediate treatment. When a tooth is knocked out, the nerves and blood vessels in that area are also damaged. It is essential to see a dentist within an hour to have the best chance of saving a tooth that has been knocked out. For professional emergency dentist Adelaide services, check this out.


Ideally, the tooth can be retrieved and put back into its socket (the gaping hole in the gum where a tooth once lived). If the tooth cannot be reinserted, a temporary crown will be placed to protect it.

Having the patient take something for pain on the way to the dentist is a good idea. Knowing if the patient has had a recent tetanus immunization is also essential. A tetanus shot before seeing a dentist could help prevent a severe infection. Knocked-out teeth that are not replaced may damage the permanent tooth growing underneath the jaw. Regardless of your teeth issues, our experienced dentist will be able to help you.